1 minute read

Arrrghhh, the brain is spinning, I can’t sleep, the clock says 3 am… Have had a really intense day at work, rushed home to dinner with the family. Youngest daughter and wife went to bed really early, I picked up the computer to setup a github action for deploying a flutter app to firebase, in parallell watching a soccer game with the oldest daughter.

Just kicking of my second startup in parallell to being a co-founder of a consultant firm and also actively working as a consultant. In the new startup we are 5 founders with different skillsets, all of us have been successful in our different areas with at least 15 years of experience. My edge is IT in general, financial and entrepreneurial skills.

For sure not writing :-)

Well, I managed to get the github action rolling, so now a embryo of the app is deployed, heading to bed at midnight. Doozing of, but never really goes to sleep, and the brain keeps spinning.

  • Flutter
  • Github actions
  • Firebase
  • Stop thinking and sleep now…
  • To many ideas…
  • Really should write down my ideas and document what I’m doing
  • Should do it as a blog so I can share it with others, not the first time I think this…
  • As always… Can I monetize on it… Sure…
  • Medium or self hosted???
  • Personal or incognito???
  • Personal can be good for branding and getting more assignments and better paid
  • Personal will hold me back, I’m a private Person
  • How should I structure the page
  • Searchable, SEO, Adsense
  • On what domain

Just Do It, the famous Nike slogan is something I’m trying to live by recently.

So I pick up the computer again, braindump.se is free, that sounds good. I buy it, Github pages as blog medium should be perfectly fine for braindumping….

5 minutes later this text have been written down.

Really time to get the 3 hours of sleep before the kids wakes up.

Just Do It (Thanks Nike)!

